Why Isn’t an Audiobook Available on Libro.fm, and What Can I Do About It?

While Libro.fm has over 250,000 audiobooks and more than 99% of all the New York Times bestsellers, there are a few titles that are unavailable because of exclusive licenses granted by audiobook publishers and authors to Amazon’s Audible. 

We are fiercely independent and oppose Amazon’s efforts to keep independent bookstores and others out of the audiobook business. We are actively working with publishers to make these titles available on Libro.fm so that listeners can purchase them through their local, independent bookstores.

From learning more about the impact of Audible Exclusives to contacting your favorite authors, here are some resources on what to do next.

You can also email us at hello@libro.fm anytime with questions about specific audiobook availability. 

I’m a reader.

Here are 3 actions you can take as a reader to work towards promoting equal access to books:


Learn more about about Audible Exclusive audiobooks and how they affect local bookstores, libraries, and readers.


Sign Fight for the Future’s petition to encourage legislators to preserve open access to all books.


Send a letter to an author or publisher whose audiobooks aren’t available on Libro.fm. Feel free to use the templates below:

Author Letter Template:


I listen to audiobooks on Libro.fm, an independent distributor that splits profits with over 1,700 local bookstores. I was disappointed to find that I wasn’t able to download the audiobook version of [TITLE]. Because your audiobook is exclusive to Audible, it cannot be sold through bookstores or made available through libraries. 

I urge you to speak with your publisher about the distribution of your audiobook, for this title but also any future books you publish. There are helpful resources at www.libro.fm/authors, as well as at www.whocangetyourbook.com (including a quiz to learn who has access to your book).

Thank you for your time and consideration,


Publisher Letter Template:


I listen to audiobooks on Libro.fm, an independent distributor that splits profits with over 1,700 local bookstores. I was disappointed to find that I wasn’t able to download the audiobook version of [TITLE]. Because your audiobook is exclusive to Audible, it cannot be sold through bookstores or made available through libraries. 

I’m reaching out to ask for a wider distribution of your audiobooks, for this title but also any future titles. Making this audiobook accessible through libraries and independent bookstores is important to keeping the book industry equitable. Please contact Libro.fm at publishers@libro.fm with any further questions, and learn more about Libro.fm’s story at www.libro.fm/story.

Thank you for your time and consideration,


I’m an author.

If you’re an author and looking to educate yourself more on audiobook distribution, rights, and more, we’re here to help! Use the following resources to get started:

Want to learn more about who has access to your book?

Have more questions about an audiobook’s availability?
Browse our Help center or contact us at hello@libro.fm.

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