Independent Bookstore Day 2019

There are more people than we can possibly thank here, but we want to do our best to highlight some Independent Bookstore Day heroes that made 2019 the best Independent Bookstore Day yet!!

As a result of YOU spreading the word, we welcomed many new people to the family, some of whom have never tried audiobooks before. You’re empowering others to support local, independent bookstores with their audiobook purchases—which means you also just did all these things. You’re the reason that independent bookstores are thriving.

Thank you for visiting your local, independent bookstores, thank you for spreading the word about Independent Bookstore Day, and thank you for supporting your bookstore through audiobooks!

Booksellers are always our heroes! Thank you for your recommendations, thank you for serving your communities, and thank you for making the world a better place.

We saw so many authors championing indies and this Independent Bookstore Day. Thank you for spreading the word and helping create a world where independent bookstores can thrive!

To all of the people who made the #AudiobookSwitch on Independent Bookstore Day, thank you for choosing to support your local, independent bookstore through audiobooks.

Thank you to our Listening Squad members who spread the word about Independent Bookstore Day through the Bookstagram community with their beautiful audiobookish content. To see more, follow #librofmlisteningsquad on Instagram!

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