Meet a Bookseller: Harry Jahnke

It’s Meet a Bookseller Monday, and today we’re proud to introduce Harry Jahnke, bookseller at the Country Bookshelf in Bozeman, Montana.

How did you get into bookselling?

When I was a little kid, I walked into the Country Bookshelf and asked for a recommendation. I was given Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and have been deeply in love with reading ever since. I wanted to be a bookseller because I want to be able to do that for someone; give them a book that might change their life forever.

What do you love most about being a bookseller?

I love that I get to read books as part of my job and to be able to share my passion with everyone I meet.

What do you love most about your bookstore?

I love that our bookstore is so strongly supported by our community. We’ve been going strong for 60 years, and we plan to go for another 60 years because of the undying support of the locals.

What are you listening to right now?

The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep by H.G. Parry. It’s great!

What audiobooks would you recommend or are among your favorites?

I highly recommend The Good Neighbor by Maxwell King because it’s read by Levar Burton and that’s just magical. I also would recommend Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell because it’s a wonderful book with some truly great voice acting.

Where / when do you listen to audiobooks?

I listen in the car, at the gym, at work while I do book returns. Pretty much anywhere and everywhere.

What is your favorite thing about audiobooks through

The customer service is for real out of this world. Always helpful and always a quick response. I also like that I can still listen to audiobooks without having to support Amazon in any way.

What do you do when you’re not selling books?

Voice acting, stage acting, puppeteering, bothering my coworkers, watching bad Disney sequels, normal stuff.

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