Meet a Bookseller: Laura Kendall

It’s Meet a Bookseller Monday, and today we’re excited to introduce Laura Kendall, owner and bookseller at Second Flight Books in Lafayette, Indiana.

How did you get into bookselling?

I finished up a creative writing MFA, and I’d been working in Medicaid policy, which I was not excited about. My husband happened to see a news story about a used bookstore closing, so we thought maybe we could buy out their stock and open our own place. We were amazed when we were actually able to do it, and we opened up our shop a couple months later. We basically had to teach ourselves a lot very quickly, but it’s been a fun challenge.

What do you love most about being a bookseller?

I love getting so many book reviews from my customers and friends, even if my TBR pile is an entire bookcase at this point.

What do you love most about your bookstore?

I love how many amazing people I’ve met through our shop. Book people are just the best. I’m not originally from Lafayette, so most of my friends in our town I’ve met through my bookstore one way or another.

What are you listening to right now?

A Closed and Common Orbit, by Becky Chambers.

What audiobooks would you recommend or are among your favorites?

One I loved recently was Star-Crossed by Minnie Darke. It thinks about the ways astrology effects people’s lives in a humorous way. It’s a bit in the vein of Sophie Kinsella, a funny, romantic romp that does ask some deeper questions.

Where / when do you listen to audiobooks?

There’s a gorgeous stretch of trail along the Wabash river in our area, and I love to walk or jog through there with an audiobook. I don’t have much of a commute to work, but I listen while I do dishes or make dinner sometimes, too.

What is your favorite thing about audiobooks through

I love how many more books I get to experience now. I can listen to books during times when I wouldn’t be able to pick up a physical book.

What do you do when you’re not selling books?

I am working on a memoir about growing up with my weird atypical family. I also love being in nature. I love exploring new places, and I try to check out both bookstores and odd roadside attractions wherever I go. I also watch an embarrassing number of Hallmark movies.

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